Vibeke Warberg Rohde

Partner European Patent Attorney
M.Sc. Structural Engineering

Vibeke Warberg Rohde is a European Patent Attorney specialising in the field of mechanics with over fifteen years of experience in private practice. She has a particular technical focus assisting clients with building components and process technology for the food industry.

Contact information

Visiting address:

Strandgade 56
1401 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Extended profile

Vibeke Warberg Rohde is a European Patent Attorney specialising in the field of mechanics with over fifteen years of experience in private practice. She has a particular technical focus assisting clients with building components and process technology for the food industry.

Vibeke is well-experienced in European patent prosecution and regularly participates in oral proceedings before opposition divisions at the European Patent Office (EPO) and before the Board of Appeal of the EPO. Vibeke also regularly assists clients in litigation matters.

Vibeke handles a large number of Chinese patent applications and is working to develop AWA’s relationship with IP firms and industry players in China.


  • Analyses & searches
  • Design
  • IP due diligence
  • IP Strategy
  • IP transactions & licensing
  • Licensing
  • Litigation (patent)
  • Oppositions
  • Patent, contentious
  • Patent, prosecution
  • Utility models


  • Building & construction
  • Cleantech
  • Energy, gas, oil & power
  • Food & beverage
  • Manufacturing & process technology
  • Materials technology & nanotech
  • Mechanics
  • Medtech

Prior experience

  • Patent Attorney, Internationalt Patent Bureau A/S, 2000
  • European Patent Attorney, Internationalt Patent Bureau A/S, 2006


  • Danish
  • English


  • M.Sc. Structural Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, 2000


  • European Patent Attorney


  • EPI – Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office
  • ADIPA – Association of Danish Intellectual Property Attorneys