Eva Carlsson, Niklas Mattsson and Torbjörn Presland elected to epi Committees
We are pleased to announce the election of Eva Carlsson, Niklas Mattsson and Torbjörn Presland to committees before the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi).
Eva Carlsson has been reelected to the mechanics subcommittee under the European Patent Practice Committee (EPPC). The EPPC considers and discusses all questions pertaining to, or connected with, practice under the European Patent Convention, the Community Unitary Patent Regulation and the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
Niklas Mattsson was reelected to the Committee on Biotechnological Inventions which considers and discusses all questions pertaining to, or connected with, inventions in the field of biotechnology, including the Budapest Treaty.
Torbjörn Presland was elected to the Litigation Committee, which considers and discusses all questions, including inter-state agreements, related to the litigation of European and EP patents and patent applications, as well as representation in Court by European Patent Attorneys and the proposal to separate the Boards of Appeal from the European Patent Office.
The elections were confirmed during the 89th Council meeting held by video conference on November 13 and 14 2020. Committee members are elected for a term of three years.
The (epi)is the professional body representing all European Patent Attorneys and as an organisation deals primarily with the development and implications of patent law. Through its Committees, the epi is at the forefront of patent law developments and regularly serves public policy leaders by issuing legal opinions and highly specialised advice.