Claus Marcussen
Claus Marcussen is a European Trademark & Design Attorney and a Danish Trademark Attorney. He has over twenty years of experience with Danish and EU Trademarks, Madrid Protocol Registrations and international trademark applications.
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Extended profile
Claus Marcussen is a European Trademark & Design Attorney and a Danish Trademark Attorney. He has over twenty years of experience with Danish and EU Trademarks, Madrid Protocol Registrations and international trademark applications.
Claus advises a wide range of clients from various industries on trademark strategy, including negotiations and contracts, pre-searching, conflicts and assignment. He also handles cases relating to product counterfeiting and trademark piracy.
Claus travels to China and Hong Kong extensively to strengthen relations in the region for the AWA Group and has also chaired a seminar on the key differences between Chinese, US and EU trademark legislation and practice.
- Agreements
- Analyses & searches
- Branding
- Competition law
- Copyright
- Design
- Domain names
- Internet law & domain names
- IP due diligence
- IP Strategy
- IP transactions & licensing
- Licensing
- Marketing law
- Oppositions
- Trade secrets
- Trademarks
- Automotive
- Biochemistry/Molecular Biology
- Biotechnology
- Building & construction
- Cleantech
- Clothing
- Cosmetics and hygiene
- Electronics
- Energy
- Food & beverage
- Franchising
- gas
- Inorganic chemistry
- Life sciences
- Manufacturing & process technology
- Marketing
- Materials technology & nanotech
- Mechanics
- Media & entertainment
- Medtech
- oil & power
- Organic chemistry
- Pharma
- Polymer Engineering
- Software & IT
- Telecom
Prior experience
- Trademark and design attorney since 1998.
- Danish
- English
- Swedish
- Master of Law, University of Copenhagen, 1992
- European Trademark & Design Attorney
- Danish Trademark Attorney
- ADIPA (Association of Danish Intellectual Property Attorneys)
- Danish Group of AIPPI
- FICPI (Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle)
- AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Industrielle)
- Marques